Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Valitettavasti tämän illan näytös Häjyt 2 elokuvasta on peruttu teknisten ongelmien takia. Pahoittelemme vaivaa. Muut näytökset toteutetaan normaalisti.
Konsta Karhu has continued the path of his father Jussi Murikka, sitting in prison for his deeds. His best friend Jalo once ratted out Konsta, who now is plotting his revenge. When freedom comes, Karhu returns to South Ostrobothnia. Villany flows strongly in his veins and the mark of a petty criminal shines on his forehead. Konsta is suddenly confronted with his past and is faced with a decision: whether to continue on the path of hatred or forgive. What will happen to the new generation?
Tickets: 11/9€, sold at the door
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Swedish
112 min, From 16 years
Ritzin ovet avataan noin tuntia ennen tapahtumaa (Kinoiltoina 20 minuuttia ennen ensimmäistä elokuvaa).
Lippuja myydään ovelta jos tapahtuma ei ole loppuunmyyty. Maksu kortilla tai käteisellä. Etusetelit- ja kortit (Tyky, Smartum, Edenred) eivät käy paikan päällä, mutta niillä voi ostaa ennakkolippuja
Ritzissä on porrashissi, millä pääsee toiseen kerrokseen, kahvilaan ja saliin (ei parvelle). Salissa on induktiosilmukka riveillä D-G.
Lue lisää esteettömyydestä sekä tutustu tilaan virtuaalisesti:
Kahvilatapahtumat ja kino poislukien tapahtumissa on maksullinen naulakkopalvelu. Maksu 2€ per takki. Voi maksaa myös kortilla ja MobilePay:n kautta. Kaikki ulkotakit pitää jättää narikkaan, sekä laukut jotka ovat isompia kuin A4-arkki.
Tyylikäs baarimme on myös avoinna ennen ja jälkeen tapahtuman. Kahvilasta voi tilata ennakkoon juomia tauollisiin tapahtumiin. Suurimmissa tapahtumissa parven baari on avoinna esityksen aikana. Parvibaarissa on muutama istumapaikka. Valitettavasti juomia ei saa viedä varsinaiseelle istumapaikkalle.
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää lipusta, ota yhteyttä lipunmyyjään. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää tapahtumapaikasta tai tarjoilusta, ota yhteyttä meihin. Tapahtuman järjestäjä (lueteltu viimeisenä tapahtuman tekstissä vasemmalla), vastaa tapahtumasta.